A Melbourne cryptocurrency trader is placing AI-generated Facebook ads with an AI-generated, brown-skinned avatar pushing the ‘No’ vote. Far-right US Christian groups are funneling money into the ‘No’ campaign, despite all major Australian faith groups declaring a resounding ‘Yes’. Independent fact-checkers have found multiple instances of misinformation in the ‘No’ side of the official Referendum…
Category: Triangle
The Voice: it’s all in the details … or is it?
Since the government released the wording of the constitutional amendment we’ll be voting on later this year, we’ve been hearing the word ‘details’ a lot. How can we add something to the Constitution when we don’t know the details? This question was one that came up in the conversation at Well Thumbed Books, Cobargo on…
My years of living pedantically
September 2003 at the Cobargo pub, the first AGM of The Triangle community newspaper. The committee was celebrating a year of publication and there was a general air of happy incredulity: that it was still a goer; that the community had welcomed the paper and were reading it and contributing stories in increasing numbers; that…
Well Thumbed Books: ten years of books, food, community … and fun
‘We had no idea what we were doing. We had no books, no bookshelves. No cash reserves to speak of. And none of us really wanted to work.’ That was Heather O’Connor, remembering a planning meeting in May 2010. Someone had ‘some damn-fool idea’ of a second-hand bookshop in Cobargo, and five women – Heather,…